Cosmetic & Restorative

Restorative Dentistry in Palmdale

Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry in Palmdale

Tooth decay is when acid wears away the hard surface layer, called enamel, this cause a cavity, Fillings are made of various materials, such as tooth-colored composite resins or amalgam fillings. Why do teeth decay under fillings? If the seal between the tooth and the filling breaks down, food particles and decay-causing bacteria can work their way between the worn filling and the tooth. These bacteria cannot be removed easily with a toothbrush or other means, and decay may develop along the edge of the filling or underneath it.

Woman Receiving Dental Checkup — Palmdale, CA — Posada Dental Practice

Restorative Dentistry Can Help

There are many treatments that we may suggest depending on your specific circumstances and needs. These range from non-invasive solutions that can be performed during a routine visit to more complex or longer-term management.
Our highly-experienced dentists will always tailor our proposed treatments to you. We investigate your teeth and gum surfaces, pinpoint any sources of distress and discuss your options with you before proceeding.

Health Advances Give You Options

There are many ways to address tooth decay and gum disease. First, you should maintain a regular, thorough teeth-cleaning regimen every day. A clean mouth and teeth will not host the bacteria that cause most oral diseases.
If symptoms or damage has progressed, other choices include fillings, veneers, crowns, bridges, partial or full dentures, implants, bondings or inlays and onlays.

Friendly. Professional. Highly-Qualified.

We are here to help you live the full, active and pain-free life that you deserve. All too often, oral discomfort can interrupt your normal routine, making everyday tasks uncomfortable and discouraging you from participating in the activities that you love.

Our team of fully licensed, highly-trained dentists help you reclaim your lifestyle. We offer hassle-free services, appointments at times that are best for you, as well as the personalized care that you need and can trust. Let us help you today.

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